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Great Examples of Faith
Each week the adult Bible classes will study about the great examples of faith as noted in Hebrews 11
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not see." Hebrew 11:1
January 12, 2025: Noah
January 19, 2025: Abraham (up to Isaac offering)
January 26, 2025: Abraham (Isaac offering to end)
February 2, 2025: Sarah
February 9, 2025: Isaac
February 16, 2025: Jacob
February 23, 2025: Joseph
March 2, 2025: Moses
March 9, 2025: Rahab
March 16, 2025: Gideon
March 23, 2025: Samson
March 30, 2025: Samuel
April 6, 2025: David
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